Finding the right balance between economy and ecology has become a key issue for ports all over the world, and the Port of Hamburg is tackling the challenge through intelligent port management solutions.
In today’s world of globalisation and climate change, creativity and alternative actions are required to achieve sustainable economic growth with as little impact on the environment as possible. Here, the Hamburg Port Authority (HPA) is focusing on transparency and innovative technologies with the ultimate aim to make the Port of Hamburg a “smartPORT”.
The HPA’s intelligent port management is founded on two pillars: the smartPORT energy concept under which the HPA has outlined aims and developed measures to reduce energy consumption, emissions and costs in the Port of Hamburg. Innovative mobility concepts, renewable energy sources and the interlinking of energy-generating plants and consumer plants to promote the efficient use of resources are at the forefront of the HPA’s approach.
The second pillar, the smartPORT logistics concept, primarily focuses on increasing the economic efficiency of the Port of Hamburg as an important link in the global supply chain. In order to create the conditions that enable the optimisation of traffic and trade flows, the HPA is developing an intelligent infrastructure: the latest IT megatrend technologies will be deployed to collect, analyse and process data so as to ensure transparency at all stages of the supply chain and enable early intervention.
smartPORT energy smartPORT logistics
Innovative technologies
to generate energy from renewable energy sources
Energy efficiency:
interlinking energy-generating plants and consumer plants
Innovative mobility concepts:
intelligent traffic management and the switch to alternative fuels
Funding programmes
to support businesses in their efforts to manage resources efficiently
using existing resources and know-how
Intelligent infrastructure:
270km of fibre-optic cables to collect, analyse and process data
IT-supported measures and co-operation ensure a high level of information at all stages of the supply chain
Early intervention
through sensor technology, Cloud, Big Data and mobile end devices